Friday, February 25, 2011

Health C.E. Teens and Family Violence

Please post your current event information in this post. Remember a short summary and a personal opinion is needed. Do not forget to respond to each of the other two blogs.


  1. Teen domestic violence is violence or threats of violence towards a romantic partner or a household member who is a teenager. It can be physical violence, sexual assault or the threat of either one. Teens can experience domestic violence from a family member or someone they are dating. It happens in high income families, low-income families, gay relationships, or straight relationships. Men and women can be abused, and both men and women can be the abuser. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. I think that teen volence in families or abuse is wrong because it can happen in different ways. Also that it is the badest thing you can do to the kid because it can effect their life negatively.

  2. i agree with mack completely. i think the worste thing you can to to a kid is abuse them because it can affect them in so many different ways.


    One out of every three relationships have some type of violence. It goes from pushing to slapping. And it starts once kids like us start dating at a young age. Also I didn't know this but this is the 2nd annual Teen Violence awareness month. Then families that have violence are usually are all mixed up. Then the parents might start abusing their kids. I think that violence is usually a bad way to solve these types of problems but with all that anger inside of you it just might come out of you...

  4. I agree with Danny's view on violence, however it should have been violence is really a bad way to solve problems in the family. Anger is hard to control, but we shouldn't let it control us or else violence is born.


    Everyone knows that any sort of abuse is wrong, and I agree with that. Yet that doesn't stop people from abusing one another. Abuse doesn't have to be just physical but mental, emotional, sexual, and by neglecting someone. The article defines each type of abuse and I agree with the article that Emotional and Neglecting is hard to identify. When a parent is abusing a child emotionally they usually yell at them and make them feel worthless. The child can't do anything but just take what the parent is telling them because if the parents are in a bad mood and the child reacts in a violent matter then the parents might continue yelling at them or they might start getting physical with them. When parents neglect their children it's sort of the same as emotional abuse, but the parents don't yell at them they just don't pay that much or any attention to their children. Any kind of abuse can bring down the child, and when the parents want to spend time with tht child they might not want to or they might be scared of their parents.
    Lastly I think any type of abuse is wrong and if a child thinks that they are in danger they should talk to someone that could stop the abuse, before something happens to them.


    Domestic violence also called intimate partner abuse, intimate partner violence, and domestic abuse -- takes many formTypes of domestic abuse include physical, verbal (also called emotional, mental, or psychological abuse), sexual, economic/financial, and spiritual abuse. Stalking and cyber-stalking are also forms of intimate partner abuse. Domestic violence is a major public-health problem in that it affects millions of people and often results in physical and emotional injuries and even deathsTeen intimate partner abuse takes place at an alarming rate. Facts about domestic violence in this group include that as many as 12% of youth in grades 7 through 12 have been victims of physical dating violence, and 20% of youth have suffered from psychological dating violence.
    it's sad to think off all the people that get abused on a daily basis. it doesn't matter if its physical abuse or sexual abuse its all wrong. i don't think physical abuse is a solution to a parenting method many parents think its ok to beat there kids to knock some sense into them. and trust me thats not the way to do it. because if you do that the teens just going to be rebellious there going to do it over and over again just because of the beating. next time you are about to hit your child think twice.

  7. I agree with katie because any type of abuse can make a child feel worthless. The child cant really do anything about the abuse at the moment because the parent might begin to hurt them physically. All they really can do is sit there and take it. I agree that they should get help asap.

  8. I agree with mack, because abuse to anyone or anything is truly wrong. It should not be done no matter what. It's true that we all get really angry at times, but that's no excuse to take out your anger on someone.

  9. I agree with Mack because i do think that any type of violence would affect a kid or any person in a negative way.


    Family violence is the most popular crime in America. In American families 16% or one in six families have taken on family violence or are victims of this crime. Things that may cause family violence are drugs, alcohol, loss of a job, very little money income and so on.

    I feel that this was a good article on family violence. This disturbes me that one in six families are involved in this activity because it is a negative action. If there are children the amount of stress and problems for the child later on in life is so high that a good parent should no be doing this or anyone from that matter.

  11. "Everyone knows that any sort of abuse is wrong, and I agree with that. Yet that doesn't stop people from abusing one another."

    I do NOT agree with this comment from Katie 100%. Some people know violence is wrong and they know that they shouldn't do it, but they have impulse issues. I know i do. Sometimes you just have to hit or get so mad and in that moment u hurt a person. I know its wrong, but sometimes i just cant help it.

  12. Mack hit the spot. he is absolutely correct. Nobody should harm their kid just because they did wrong.

  13. I also agree and disagree with Katie's article. I also agree what Ashley said becuase sometimes people just can't help it.

  14. i agree with moe, violence is never the answer, and yes, if you "punish" a teenager like that they will only become rebellious which only makes the problem worse

  15. i agree with josh. Nobody should be abusing anybody. especially an adult abusing a child and i am shocked at the numbers that 1 and 6 families have taken on family violence or been a victim of it .

  16. I also agree with Glenn on the fact that it is the worst thhing that you can do to a kid. It affects them in a lot of different ways and can scar them for life.

  17. I agree with Danny (kidcash). It's a "slow fade". What might start out as well deserved spankings can go down-hill with an increase in stress on the punisher. For example, say that the breadwinner of the family (usually the disciplinarian) only gives out spankings when the kids do something very serious like stealing from a gas station. This is an appropriate case for corporal punishment in my opinion. However, say he comes home from work one day after he was given a pay cut and finds milk spilled on the floor. The added stress will increase the severity of the punishment given. It's important for families that practice corporal punishment (which is not always a bad thing) to have a well-defined line that's set far back for what situations it should be applied to. It's the responsibility of both the punisher and the punishee to make sure that line is respected. The punishee should stay away from actions that stay right by the line, and the punisher shouldn't cross it and should be willing to give mercy first. What can start out as a light spanking can turn to ruthless beating if these truths aren't kept in mind.


    I disagree very strongly with my article. I've heard this rumor before, and I just don't believe it's honest. I have found their theories wrong in almost every family I've ever known that practices corporal punishment (not regularly but as "the big guns" for the worst things). For example, my mother was spanked as a child once in a while since she was 2, and she was reading by age three. Today she has an IQ of 143. Obviously not supported by the results of their survey. Corporal punishment builds a healthy amount of fear between a small child and their parent. As a young child (age 7 and down) it should be applied to actions that absolutely can't be negotiated on like beating another child up or stealing. This should be used in extreme moderation though. Past the age of 8, I believe that spanking will have an adverse effect and will instead create hatred and resent in the child rather than healthy fear. Past that age, spanking and corporal punishment is demeaning and hurtful.
    Another thing in this article is that the families that apply physical punishment for even the silliest things usually are the ones that don't invest in their child's developement or education and instead busy themselves with the family's public image. Not enough is taken into consideration with this article and I think the results are inaccurate because of it.

  19. @ andy g.
    Hitting or spanking a child isn't always to get the anger out. Sometimes it teaches a very important lesson or makes an association in that child's mind that's better made that way than by the heard way that would hurt them much more.

  20. "Everyone knows that any sort of abuse is wrong, and I agree with that. Yet that doesn't stop people from abusing one another."
    I agree and disagree with this statement the abuser may know it's wrong (NOT PROTECTING ABUSERS) but they probably have a story of there own and that might be how they react to things. I think/believe they don't know any other way of handling situations so abusing is there way of solving things (WHICH IT'S NOT)but my theory is the abuser feels like that's the right way because it's the only way to them. And no in some places and people abuse is perfectly fine so no not everyone knows/believes it's wrong.


  21. "Also that it is the badest thing you can do to the kid because it can effect their life negatively."
    I agree with this strongly

  22. I agree with macks response because any type of violence, which does not matter how it is will always be wrong.

  23. Violence among family members is increasingly recognized as a major familial and public health problem affecting the mental and physical health of the victim, of the perpetrator, and all of the other family members. Children who are abused or witness abuse of a parent are at risk for becoming violent themselves. People who witness members of their family being abused or is being abused themselves should talk to an adult who can help or contact a hotline or the police
