Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WAS 1 - Chad Discovery

Internet Activity: Chad Discovery
Want to show what you know? Use the Internet and the preselected Web sites provided to complete chapter activities.
Chapter 1: The Peopling of the World
Chad Discovery
Write a paragraph commenting on the Chad skull. Include conflicting theories on its origin. Use this Web site to complete the activity.
Skull Fossil Opens Window into Early Period of Human Origins / news / 2002 / 07 / 0710_020710_chadskull.html
From National Geographic News, an article with photo gallery and maps about how the discovery of the Chad skull is helping scientists understand a time period they knew little about.
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  1. A group of researchers found Chad's skull. It was one of the most
    exciting experiences they have ever came across. Chad's skull was dated back to 6 or 7 million years ago. Which gave scientists the opportunity to learn about life during the time Chad was alive. We have learned that the people that have lived during this period of time had puny heads but there teeth and some parts of there face showed some kind of resemblance to humans that are around today. This is are some reasons why Chad's skull was such a important discovery.

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  3. A team of researchers in western Central Africa, discovered a skull; Chad's skull from six to seven years ago. This was a big deal. Daniel Lieberman said it suggests how diverse himinids might have been in Africa, and shows that lots of things were going on in Africa that we can't imagine. Professor Lieberman also shared how the braincase looked chimp-like and a flattened head. Researchers are still looking for answers on whether it's a hominid or not. The discovery of Chad's skull was a huge deal for most scientists.

  4. A team of researchers discovered Chad's skull six to seven years ago. Daniel Lieberman said that it tells us how divers hominids might have been back then. Lieberman also said that the brain case suggested that there was a flattened head. The discovery of Chad's skull was a huge discovery for all of the scientist in the world. To this very day researchers are still looking at whether or not that skull is a skull of a hominid or not..

  5. Researchers found out skulls and fossils from 6 to 7 million years ago in Chad. This finding has excited them because it was a key to open the time when human beings and apes separated from the same ancestor. A scientist said that the research about human evolution have concentrated on East Africa. Also, the skull of chimpanzee, they look alike humans from now. By this, we have known people from the past, the apes and ancestor, which they look like people from now, their faces, teeth and flattened heads look like humans. There were many different ideas come out from the scientists about the finding but after all Chad discovery was amazing and interesting. It was like a trip that took the researchers went back to past and found out so many things about the skull and our ancestor.

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  7. A new find in Western central Africa Excites Researchers who were excavating in northern Chad. scientist found a well-preserved skull and other remains of what they believe is a unknown hominid that goes back to about six to seven million years ago. which is the oldest ancestor of humans. Daniel lieberman of Harvard university is a anthropology professor, who had something Interesting to say about this new discovery, "the new find will have the impact of a small nuclear bomb". this discovery was the most amazing to these researchers. This discovery brought them back to the past and helped them learn about our ancestors!

  8. I think that this is a very interesting article. Researchers are unsure if the skull is of the human or primate species but think it could be an early ancestor humans. But other researchers would disagree because it is missing humanly features like being able to stand up right or walk on two feet. I think that it could be an advanced primate that died out around the same time that wooly mammoths were alive.

  9. So, a team of researchers in Central Africa have found a skull and other fossilized remains of what they believe is a hominid. They believe is a hominid. They say it lived six to seven million years ago. The scientists are excited about their discovery because there is such little known about the hominid period in time. By observing the fossils the scientist are reconsidering certain theories about how life was millions of years ago. Daniel Lieberman says that the skull will have the impact of a small nuclear bomb. Lieberman is very appealed by the skull because he says it has some traits of an ape but others like a human. So they say that their discovery could be our earliest form of ancestor.

  10. The blog is about how early humans are like. Scientists tries to find out how did they live. Written documents provided a vision for the distant past. For thousands of years, people have tried recording information about their history such as their beliefs, activities, and important events. Most of the writings at the time were 5,000 years ago. Archeologist also tried finding their discovery.

  11. The Chad Skull was found in northern Chad by a team of researchers. The Chad Skull is well preserved; they also found fossilized remains of an unknown hominid, an early human that lived six to seven million years ago. This discovery showed scientist how much we don’t know about early humans. The scientist began looking at the facial features; they looked at the teeth and the enamel, and the tooth type. The team them decided that it is a new species of hominid. They named it Sahelanthropus tchadensi, which means hope of life. This was a big discovery for the scientific community

  12. A team of researchers found a well preserved skull in Northern Africa, Chad. It was named the Chad Skull. Fossilized remains of what is believed to be a hominid were also found. The skull is believed to be 6 to 7 million years old. The skull showed scientist many things they didn't know before. They studied the skull and compared it to hums and apes considered it had characteristics of both of these. "The skull will have the impact of a small nuclear bomb", says Daniel Lieberman. The skull is believed to be of our oldest ancestors. This was truly a magnificent discovery for these researchers.

  13. The discovey found in Chad was considered a new genus and species of hominids based on characteristics such as the tooth type and the thickness of the enamel, the shape and positioning of the head, and the facial features. They decided to name it Sahelanthropus tchadensis. Its nickname is "Toumaƫ," a Goran-language word meaning "hope of life"; in the Djurab Desert, the name is given to babies born just before the dry season. The desert site in northern Chad where Sahelanthropus was found is 1,500 miles west of Africa's Rift Valley. The region where Sahelanthropus dwelled was teeming with other animals, according to Brunet and his colleagues. Since 1994, they have recovered tens of thousands of vertebrate fossils from the excavation site in northern Chad. The fossil remains represent 42 species that include elephants, giraffes, antelopes, hippopotamus, crocodiles, lizards, monkeys, fish, and wild boar.

  14. The Chad skull was discovered in the desert that's in West Africa's Rift Valley. To date it is the only know fossil found from that time period. The skull is considered to be very complete and scientists were able to determine by its characteristics that it is a new species of hominid. There are some conflicting theories as to whether this species was bipedal if at all and when it became bipedal. There are also different theories on if it is really a human ancestor or an ancestor of apes. Or it could prove that chimps and humans share some ancestors. Scientists will keep searching the area for more fossils to continue their research.

  15. A team of scientist discovered a skull that was preserved very well. It was found in Djurab Desert, the researchers had been excavating in this spot since the 1990s. Because of its characteristics some scientist thought it was a new species of hominid. There is however some conflict because the scientist don't know if it is or isn't bipedal and they aren't sure if is early human remains or early ape remains. But Stringer said "such questions in the world of paleontology are always complex" so the team will check other areas to see if they find more remains that are similar and that will help them find answers.

  16. Scientist has worked in Africa for decades in south and east Africa and has found new fossils in central Africa. Michel Brunet found an intact cranium, two lower jaw fragments, and several teeth in the Djurab desert where they’ve been excavating since the 1990s. Lieberman said the skull was chimp like and resemble a human. The skull are dated back to 6-7million bc but the facial features resemble a 1.8million bc homo. The group who discovered these fossils named it sahelanthropus tchadensis meaning “hope of life”.

  17. The chad skull was found in Africa. Scientists found a skull and jaw. they believe it was up to 6 or 7 million b.c. The discoverers think that they have come across a new type of hominid. The scientists claimed to have never seen anything like this before and started comparing Chad to apes. The result of the finding stated that this was our oldest ancestors.
    - Joseph

  18. Chad Skull was found in Africa. Scientist say it is 6-7 million years ago. They said it was are older ancestor. They found the skull and the jaw.

  19. A team of researchers in northern Chad found a well in tact skull of a possible early hominid. this find sparked the science community because the skulls brain cage looked to be that of an ape; however the facial structure was of a human. This leads the scientist to believe that the specimen was living in a time when humans and apes were close in ancestry. This could mean it was very well built hominid or it could be the earliest ancestor of a human.

  20. A skull was found in Chad, Africa in 2002. This skull led researchers to believe that is assumed hominid lived six to seven million years ago. This date would make the hominid the oldest known ancestor of all humans. This opened the theory that apes and humans diverged, extend in different directions from a common point; from a common ancestor. This finding showed how little scientist knew about early hominids, and was a great help to move forward to understanding that walked our Earth before we did.

  21. Researchers in Africa discovers Chad’s Skull and it took six to seven million years since they done so. Since its been so long it marks the oldest known ancestor of humans. With the new fossils the scientist begin to rethink the theories about human origins. Lieberman, a person who saw the skull, saw the unusual advanced traits. He thought that “ The braincase is chimp-like, for example, but the face, teeth, and somewhat flattened head resemble those of humans.”

  22. Researchers excavated a skull in Chad from 6-7 millions years ago. This was an important discovery because the skull shows scientists have to rethink their theories on where humans came from. This is because before this discovery they only had fossils from about 4 million years ago. Also they were shocked that the skull had a mix of old traits, like chimp-like features, and new traits, like now living humans.

  23. Michel Brunet from the university of poitiers in france, and 3 dozen other researchers found a intact cranium and two lower jaw fragments and several teeth, in the Djurab Desert. The team concluded that the skull found is a new species of hominids. They named it Sahelanthropus tchadensis. The nickname is Toumaƫ, a Goran language word, that means hope of life.
    The skull will reveal the missing era from the 5 million year gap in human evolution. The discovery may be the beginning of the understanding of human evelotion, the primate diverged about 8 million years ago about the same time modern humans and chimpanzees' ancestors lived. this skull is a step in finding the lineage of humans and apes.
