Friday, February 25, 2011

Health C.E. Teen Runaways

Please post your current event information in this post. Remember a short summary and a personal opinion is needed. Do not forget to respond to each of the other two blogs.


    this article is pretty old but i talks about how a lot of teen runaways have to turn to some sort of prostitution to survive. i think its crazy what they're willing to go through to survive instead of going back home. i also it's just stupid for people to runaway when they have so many good things in life but they don't recongize them.

  2. I agree with adrian with the statement saying that he thinks its stupid that kids runaway but they have all these good things at home. But still teens can not stand there parents or they might be getting some abuse back home.

  3. Runaways live a much more terrible life than people with homes, such as turning to prostitutes as Adrian has mention. While running away is a terrible choice to make when the family is the stressor, it can be the only choice for the unfortunate teens whose parents physically or sexually abuse their child. I believe teens in that situation should run away from home, but seek help rather than living in the streets.

  4. I don't agree with Daniel G. i think that teens should seek help before running away, that way an expert can tell them what to do, or where to go.

  5. I agree with Adrian that running awy is bad because it can lead peopleto do stupid mistakes that they WILL regret. But Imma have to disagree with Daniel on the teen wanting to run away to actually running away because even thought we think we are ready for the real world we really aren't. Some teens are still really immature and in my opinion they wouldn't know how to react in some situations. Also they should seek help before actually running away.

    Many teens threaten to runaway. They run away because they start to hang with the wrong group of friends or just don't want to follow the rules of their parents. They think they can be on their own and provide for themselves without their parents help and their parents rules. By teens rebelling it can cause them to have bad behavior and leave home. Most of the time teens return home. Teens don't realize that being on their own can be very dangerous. They can be forced into prostitution be involved with drugs and become homeless. I believe that teens should run away instead they should talk to their parents or ask for help. Most teens runaway because they live in violent households. I suggest all teens who want to runaway they should seek for help.

  7. Daniel G i gotta disagree with you about teens have no choice but runaway from there home. now a days teens could get a lot of help from the government or other facilities that specialize in teen runaways you can always choose to go to court and ask to live in a foster home or get put up for adoption. running away is not always the best solution.

    This article mainly talks about how nine teen runaway centers may close in Washington. This would force the runaways to jail or juvenile detention centers. Teens would then reconsider running away and would be forced to live in their homes and live with their problems at home. In my opinion, I think this is definitely wrong. There should always be a runaway center open just in case. If teens make a mistake such as running away, they should always be able to get a second chance, which the center is supposed to be. Without this center, teens will feel as if their lives are hopeless and might resort to suicide or some sort of violence to themselves or others. I recommend for the teens who would even think or running away to find some help.

    many teens threaten to runaway to get what they want from their parents. Most teens that end up do running away dont stay away from home longer than one day. many find out that if they want a life on their own it is very hard to do at their age and they need support from their family. Teens want to runaway because they follow the wrong group of freinds and they tell them it is a good idea to do. Another reason they want to is to escape the rules that are at their house.
    Also parents hear that they are not as leniant as their freind's parents.
    I like the article because you do hear that kids runaway for many of these reasons. also it gives me a breife understanding of why some kids find it better to run away then stay at home.

  10. I agree with Sabrina because kids who do runaway are going to have a very troubled life. They should just stay with parents or close family members so someone is there to provide for them being on your own is depressing and actually scary so they need to second think their decesion on what they are about to do before they mess up their life.


    Understanding and preventing teenage runaways are difficult for some parents. this helpful website has causes, and signs of teenagers who consider running away.

    Some signs for teenagers who consider running away are in their behaviors. This includes constant lying, loosing temper, spitefulness, profanity. But also there are some kids who do these things everyday and never runaway, but if this does NOT sound like your child and you experience those behaviors listed, you should be concerned and seek help. PROFESSIONAL help. Sometimes just being mommy or daddy doesn't help your child.

    I agree with this article and i found it interesting to see the behaviors and i think its a extremely helpful sites for parents to view and keep a closer look on their child. and even if these behaviors aren't from the thought or attempt of running away, it could be something worse.

    this article talks about a girl that ran away from home because she didn't want to go to a boarding school. so she got on a plane and stayed on there till the plane made its last stop and went to oklahoma. she wondered the streets and she was taken in by a boy and mom. i think she was lucky to be taken in by good people. also i think its great how the parents care and kept looking for their daughter. also i like that there is an organization that helps look for children since the police dont help cause its not there top priority .

  13. I agree with what Ashley said. I think that is always important for a parent to keep an eye on their child. Being concerned about your child shows that you care for them and love them because having a runaway child can happen to anyone.

    The article that I read was about signs that tell that a teenager might want to run away, preventing teens from running away, and reasons why teenagers run away. A couple reasons teens run away are because they are being abused, they feel like life would be better if they left, and maybe because they are lonely. I think that some teens run away because they feel think their parents do not love them or sometimes that people do not want thems around .

  15. I agree with Sabrina because kids who do runaway are going to have a very troubled life. They should just stay with parents or close family members so someone is there to provide for them. I re-post it because you said you didnt see it up there.

  16. I agree with Mac 100%. Unless your parents abuse you in anyway, I think that you should stay with them because they pay for your food and for you to go to school and they sacrifice a lot for you. If you cant stay with them you should stay with a close friend or family member.

    This article has good advice to those who have children and have seen or taken in runaways.It gives some statistics on who the runaways are and the threats that lay before runaways. It also has a couple of quotes from people who have dealt with these problems. Its really helpful as information on runaways so you should read it.

  18. I don't agree with andy because professional usually call in the kid's parents, who is physically/sexually abusing them to talk with them, and they still have custody of the child unless the cops find any evidence of abuse they will not take the child away because they have no legal obligation to do so. So the child might suffer more later that day.

  19. Sabrina's post is an excellent opinion on runaways who have a good life but their stubborn teenage mind blocks their maturity sense of what good they have to how bad their lives are. Teens and children have got to realize that there are other kids out there who have worse situations but are strong in their sense of judgement and conscience to realize that even they have a better life then most.

  20. I agree with daniel g response because i think if Runaways run from home then they have no were to go to. Which would lead to prostitution or selling drugs.

  21. @ Daniel G I actually think is teens in that situation should get emancipated which is divorcing their parents
